• Girl: I've been passing you in the hall way but you never notice me
    I've been behind you in the lunch line when I say hey you ignore me
    I've walked by your lunch table but you never seem to even glance at me
    I've talked to your friends but you just talk to them and act like I'm not even there
    I've walked by your locker and you don't seem to even bother to look at me
    If you only knew how I felt

    Boy: I've seen you pass the hall way and I do notice you
    I've seen you talk to me but I don't pay attention to you
    I've seen you walk by my lunch table but I don't want to look
    I've seen you talk to my friends and ignore you
    I've seen you walk by my locker and look away
    The truth is the reasons why I do these things is because I love you
    If only you knew how I felt

    Girl: I do everything to get your attention because I love you
    Until that day I left the earth... you finally noticed me... but I wasn't there to tell you I love you and will always do

    Boy: Why did you have to leave the earth I never got a chance to tell you how I really felt... I love you so much... but I missed my chance...

    Boy and Girl: I miss you, I love you, I wish you were here heart

    - Midnite