• You say your worried, and that's fine, it's natural to worry about things that are important. Still, your worries they resonate with your stress, and that worries those who care about you. In your empathy, you care about them, only making them hurt worse for you. It's not the worry that's bad, it's the pain. If your worries make you sad, then remember that your sadness is a cycle, when it mixes with your worries, don't be sad, be sure to remember that you have such gifts and you use them well. Sadness is not your place, I know it, and I don't want to see you in pain, so please, just try to be worried but worry in happiness, not sadness. It's normal to worry, but you don't yet see, the worry you hold might just be your imagination, and that means if it is you have worried in vain, felt pain for nothing. We can't have that can we? Now go, and enjoy your life for the things you suspect, are nothing more, than past regrets.