• Everyday I feel that pain because I do not hear from my lover. I do not see her, I do not hear her, I am all alone left to wander and resist. I'm face with temptations beyond the normal. I stay around here waiting for her just for the love. I could move on and live a fantastic life but I've tied the know holding me to her hand. I could just float away and be happy forever more but I just wait for her. My heart aches, I try to be happy, I grab my needle, I grab my thread, I sew hearts back together the best I can, The threads holding mine are tearing apart longing for the love, but I subject myself to torture waiting for her too come back. I do my best to help everyone but does it really matter anymore?
    I am broken inside I want to rise up again and be a real man. Just I chained myself to her hoping she is the one. I have seen her with other men I just took the pain, dusted my shoes, and continued walking. If she's not the one I am gone forever, never to return to this land. I will move on if it is not to be. It is what I so long to do. I just want to move on. The pain may be bad but the feelings that I have for her beat the pain. I don't know how to handle my friends her because in my emotions I am just lost.
    So please... Try to understand I can't be who I really am right now. I'm just longing for that love everyone wants. I have it but I need to see and feel her in my arms. Embrace her in them and show her just how much I care. I will resist the horrible temptations thrown at me just to prove how much I care. I am sorry to all my friends I wish I could just be the normal sane me and make you all happy. I don't even feel I fit in anymore. I'm the piece from a another puzzle mixed in with all of yours. I thank all of those who have cared for me and shown their affection. I'm sorry for the unnecessary pains I've caused you all. It is not okay and I am sorry.