• I cannot take off this mask.
    Or everything is lost.
    Slowly I feel the paint
    coldy on my cheek.
    Layer by layer,
    It's getting think.
    Nobody cannot see me.
    Underneth this pretty mask,
    a beast lyes within.

    If the world shall ever see
    What really is beneath the mask.
    I fear that I will be cast away,
    shunned for all eternity.
    So I paint my mask with pretty colores.
    Like pinks and blues and greens.
    Purples and yellows. Gold and silver.
    I cannot let them see.

    If they ever saw my true face,
    And what I really thought...
    They'd know my secrets,
    All my fears.
    And i don't want to be alone.
    I know that's what will happen.
    The world has shown me my fate.
    I cannot ever win.
    So I'll paint my face- this mask I wear.
    And inside, prey that I'll win.

    Sometimes I yearn for the warm sun
    to gently kiss my face.
    Forgetting how the rays feel
    On a warm summer day.
    But sadly, I see the children.
    And they are free from masks.
    They think they see me,
    but they really don't.
    For my mask hides my tears.

    One day
    I'll feel the sun.
    And I will be free from my mask.
    A troublesome curse,
    it is for the weak-hearted.
    One day.
    One day,
    I will feel the sun.