• - Infection –

    Day breaks from my brow
    A distant whisper begins to call back for more
    My little friends invite me in
    Feeling like a whore
    They look at me like a sow
    In tuned with my mind as a pin

    Heaven opens up
    My whisper fades
    I feel the ground shake
    My mind swirls of bliss
    My friends are gone
    My heart is an empty cup
    Struggling with the air I take
    Beginning to see shades
    Tasting her last ebony kiss

    Walking with lost families
    Crimson silk hugs my soul
    Unfamiliar friends in unfamiliar places
    Looking at them they have no faces
    I say to myself I’m in a hole
    The CEO gleams with his board of trustees
    My fate is done
    And I have no one

    I don’t hear my whisper anymore
    Isn’t the world a whore.