• Ahhh, feel good don't it

    If not man then you ain't on it

    Straight out from household making

    Underground city has begun shaking

    New life lives, it breathes

    You can feel the air under your sleeves

    As the wind blows, you can catch a cold

    Alright, here's a tip if you don't wanna be sick

    Sure they could be sickening, but you probably won't be drowsy

    If maybe you were listening

    I may be kind of cocky with my attitude

    I'm kind of rude with my solitude knowledge I gained over the past few

    Secondly, we're shut off from all present tense

    Forgot how life works, disregarding common sense

    And Wow! What image

    It's weird when you look at the life we are living

    Irrelavent waiters waiting for the spotlight

    Waiting for their chance to get their time, right?

    And if I have wrong, then don't get me wrong

    I never wanted to offend anyone in this song

    But I see so much envious demonstration

    That I believe we're being underestimated

    I speak for the community, not myself

    Cause I'm working to be like everyone esle

    They all past me a few days ago

    And some beat me a decade ago

    So, I'ma keep rhyming

    As long as the suns shining

    Cause I know one day it will be my time and

    I can't waste my time, living in the shadow of others

    Or keeping behind the rest of my brothers

    This is a bother, more of an insult

    Underestimaters should feel more of the guilt

    This is the reasoning all of what I felt

    This is the community underground has built