• One Night, One Victim
    By Rose Collins

    One night I was alone in my office,
    My office was placed in a small portion of my house.
    With four locks on my door.
    I knew only one had been locked.
    Which made me very uncomfortable about.
    About weather someone was going to come in
    And kill me or not.

    I had a bad feeling that some was going to kill me
    I got up to lock the other three locks.
    When somebody knocked at my door,
    I wondered for 3-4 minutes.
    Who would want to knock at my door at?
    Quarter to 12:00am at night?

    I looked through the peer window.
    Nobody was there.
    I swear.
    I went back to my desk
    To work on a project for work that was due
    And of course there was a
    Black sports car.

    Sitting outside of my house.
    I swear, someone is like waiting or
    Watching me to do something.

    I walked back to my desk to continue my work.
    When I heard three more knocks at my door.
    I walked over to my door.
    Slowly, calmly and also really FREAKED OUT!

    I swear, when I looked through the peer window
    There was nobody there.

    I started thinking to myself.
    “Maybe, it’s just my imagination,
    And there’s nothing out there except for trees,
    Birds……….AND SOME WHO WANTS ME DEAD!!!!”
    No, no, it can’t be.
    Who would want me to die?
    I did nothing, did I?
    Perhaps, I shouldn’t have taken those cookies
    From the old lady next door.

    Oh gosh, I’m a terrible person
    I crossed myself.
    Before I was to die.
    With the windows closed
    So I won’t see anybody.
    And not let anybody see me.

    I started to get a little paranoid
    Every few seconds.
    I would hear some funky noise coming from
    I think, they know I’m
    In here.
    Then everything went
    Nothing, no knocking at my door

    I went to go look out the window
    To see if the car was still there.
    Surprisingly it was gone
    This was all a bad dream

    But I was wrong
    I heard another noise
    Coming from the south side
    That’s where my back door is.

    Oh gosh their, still here.
    I ran to my room
    I looked out my window
    There was something written on it
    Looked like it was written in

    The perfect horror movie scenario
    Oh joy, I just became the person
    Who decided to stay home on a Monday night
    Thinking that there was nothing to be worried about

    And to no surprise I was wrong
    So like any stupid chick in a horror movie
    I try to call for help, not realizing that they
    Cut off the phone lines to my home.
    The overloading sensation of fear has completely
    Driven me into INSANITY

    So I thought it would be a brilliant idea
    To go outside to
    Get some fresh air

    Bad, bad, bad idea
    NEVER go outside when you have
    Someone who wants you to

    So I’m outside.
    I see the black sports car
    I walk over to it.
    To see if anybody was in it.
    Another stupid idea
    That I had.

    When I heard somebody behind me
    I knew it was my killer…
    I turned………

    The End