• And now I hold
    Another lie
    A story yet to be told;
    A mother's sigh

    In my hands
    Lay the fragile difference
    The coarse sand -
    Time's reference

    A gentle hourglass
    A silver ring
    The years that passed;
    Remarks that sting

    High above my head
    Nestled carefully in the sky
    Is what makes dead things dead;
    The final whisper of good-bye

    I am now carefully caressing
    A baby's first laugh
    A cat that's resting;
    The number of stars by half

    Littered all around
    Is the flickering shadows;
    Voices that don't make a sound,
    Pierced by whistling arrows

    All of this, you cannot see
    Of course not, I'll tell you why
    All that I hold close to me
    Is nothing but this lie!