• My heart is in pieces

    You gone and wracked it with a hammer

    And left me in the deep end

    You didn’t give me a reason

    On why you had to go and crashed me like a bug

    You saw that girl and ditched me right there and then

    You didn’t care what I felt

    You didn’t reply to my calls or letters

    My heart is crying out for a answer, for a reason

    To why you had to break it like a piece of cake

    I can not survive with the pain you have caused me

    You don’t see the things I do

    You don’t see my scars that you have caused

    Tell me and my broken heart why you had to go and do it

    Why you didn’t care

    Don’t let my pain go on

    You are the only one who can heal it

    You are the only one who can cure my heartbreak

    Look at me and my scars

    The heartbreak you have caused

    Tell me now the reason you had to go and break it

    You lied and you cheat for no reason

    I did everything you wanted

    Everything you asked

    Now you gone and broke the heart you once did love

    And left me in a pool of pain

    You betray and break

    You hurt and curse

    But never did you think of the pain you would have caused

    Look at me now and face the pain you had made and fix it

    You don’t see the scars that you have caused

    By breaking my heart

    You don’t see the things I do

    Because of you

    Because of the pain you caused me

    The pain that wrecked my life to the inner hell

    Something that only you can fix

    Look at me and deal with the pain

    Look at me and see the results of you

    The pain, The scars, The heartbreak