• Why did you have to,
    Crush my dreams again,
    Why must you always do this to me?
    Why must you always do this to me?
    We were like sisters,
    You say you love my writing,
    Then you give me a long list of complaints,
    About my spelling, grammar and writing.
    Sure it might be different but it works for me.
    I listened to you,
    When you were talking about the Beatles,
    When you were upset, sad,
    I listened to come, it didn’t matter what,
    I would listen to you.
    I would tell you about my problems,
    And you tell me to shut up,
    So how can you keep saying that I don’t care?
    Are you really that cold hearted?
    Can you really be that cruel?
    Is the human race doomed?
    So tell me why you had to crush my dreams,
    I thought I was good,
    Guess I wasn’t,
    Guess that was a lie too,
    So what, our lives suck.
    I told you my issues so you would feel better,
    I don’t need people feeling sorry for me.
    Because it never works in the end.
    So why did you have to crush my dreams,
    By telling me I suck and I need to get a life?
    Answer me that reasonably,
    and we might be getting somewhere,
    but were stubborn,
    so that won’t be happening anytime soon.
    So remember what you have done this time,
    Cause I’m not coming back.
    This is not my fault,
    It’s always been yours and not mine,
    So bare with it,
    That this is the reason why you have lost,
    A friend again.
    And this time,