• Bright buds of Spring so softly swing
    upon tree boughs that sweetly sing
    amid May winds that gently blow
    awakening a vital glow
    whose beauty shares a joyful mirth
    as earth unfolds a fresh rebirth.

    The summer sun, with hearts it won
    bears witness to the treasured fun
    of swimming, sailing, riding tides
    and castles built with sandy sides,
    unmindful that the day will end
    and fade to dusk, as shadows blend.

    In Autumn harvest brings a thrill
    as larders, nearly empty, fill
    abundantly with grains of gold
    to keep through winter's biting cold.
    The flaming leaves have their last laugh
    then leave boughs naked as a staff.

    The silhouettes of branches bare
    caress gray skies in frigid air
    as Winter's pale and tired face
    seeks comfort by the fireplace
    awaiting the awakening
    of rebirth's glory spring will bring.

    Bright buds of Spring so softly swing
    upon thin boughs that sweetly sing
    amidst May winds that gently blow
    awakening a vital glow,
    whose beauty shows a joyful mirth
    as earth unfolds a fresh rebirth.

    The seasons spin their cycles round
    and each one makes a unique sound,
    but springtime songs share sweetest rhyme
    with scents of lavender and thyme.
    Spring garden's greatness glorifies
    rebirth, and thus is sanctified.