• I can not wait for the day I wake in my bed and say with a smile,

    "I should have taken things slower."

    But I dread the day I wake crying, and sobbing;

    "I should have taken things slower."

    I can not wait for the day I hold my baby in my arms and, with a smile, say:

    "We should have waited longer."

    But I dread the day I realize

    "I missed that wonderful moment and I will never have it."

    I wait for the day I say
    "I love you,"
    while standing in my white dress, with you across from me in your black suit, smiling and looking in to each others eyes.

    I NEVER ever want to go with out telling you....

    "I love you."

    I don't want to go without say "I love you so."
    And mean every word, every letter, every syllable.

    I always want to feel like I do now;





