• I feel a crash, I hear a scream
    Lights dance around, it seems like a dream

    I'm sprawled on the ground, the police surround me
    I'm in a thick puddle, my blood red sea

    They put me on a stretcher, wheel me off to the car
    It was the longest trip ever, the hospitals quite far

    I’m now in a bed, near a lot of knives
    I hear other patients scream for their lives

    What’s going on here? It’s all black and white
    Why is everyone filled with hatred and fright?

    I got quite curious, I knew something was wrong
    When the nurse came in and said “you won’t last long”

    She said “They think they’ll live, they never do
    Did you think we’d make an exception for you?”

    Your suppose to save me, stop pulling these tricks
    I see all the people you’d rather kill than fix

    I sit in my room, scared and alone
    I look to the morgue, where the bodies are thrown

    The door suddenly closes; I’m locked in the room
    Lying in the hospital, that only knows doom

    I laid there forever until the doctor came
    Tools in his hand to start his game

    He positioned the shot, and stuck it in deep
    I saw nurses flood in as I drifted to sleep

    They wheel me down to the trauma room hall
    And put me in a corner with blood on the wall

    The Clashing of knives sounded through the air
    They’re going to kill me, this isn’t fair!

    The hours tick by, it’s getting quite late
    I lay there helplessly as they operate

    They take things out and put them in a cup
    And when they’re finished, they sew me back up

    An hour later I wake up to see
    A black abyss, they’ve blinded me!

    My stomach hurts, I have a disease
    I don’t want to die, save me please!

    I cough up blood, my whole body aches
    As the doctor puts on that smile he fakes

    I’m getting quite angry, I want to know why
    The doctor came in and said “You’re going to die”

    I’m going to die? So I’ve heard
    But there’s no escape, I’m trapped like a bird

    So kill me now, stop the pain
    Stop me now before I go insane

    Why is this happening? It must be fate
    That I lay here awaiting my inevitable death date