• Sparkle, Venus, beautifully. Sparkle, Venus, in gold.
    You shine in my heart. You are the girl who has the best smile.

    You are jealous of the pretty girl. You think that if you were born like her
    Your life would be probably be different, but that thought is a mistake.

    We don't need two of the same people. I will be attracted to one - and only one.

    Glitter, Venus, innocently. Glitter, Venus, proudly.
    Brighten this world witht he light that only you have.
    Sparkle, Venus, beautifully. Sparkle, Venus, in gold.
    You shine in my heart. You are the girl who has the best smile.

    Even if you act like a sexy woman with fake nails and gaudy make-up
    You worry about being someone you're not. Isn't lying unpleasant?

    You have to love yourself just as you; if you don't, you can't love others.

    Venus, whose heart throbs naively. Venus, whose heart flutters is in romance.
    I'm completely in love with you, who is in love.
    Don't look at me trembling with shining, teary eyes.
    You make my chest burn (with love); you are the girl with the best smile.

    You, who became courageous without being afraid to smile
    I want to tell you that "You are doing well."

    Glitter, Venus, innocently. Glitter, Venus, proudly.
    Brighten this world witht he light that only you have.
    Sparkle, Venus, beautifully. Sparkle, Venus, in gold.
    You shine in my heart. You are the girl who has the best smile.

    You are my sun.