• Here I stand wandering in the streets, searching for something i am unsure of, maybe a new start.
    Of all shadows that mark their place on the ground, one stands out.
    It does not belong to me anymore but it follows my every move.
    I have seen this shadow before.
    I begin to run, trying to escape this pain it causes yet my legs feel cemented to the ground.
    I cannot move.
    I try and hide myself yet this darkness always finds me.
    No matter how long I wander or try to forget, it will always be there.
    The shadow grabs my sholder and pulls me into the darkness with him,
    I try to scream but my lungs are filled with heavy air and no sound can be heard.
    This deafining scilence sufficates me.
    With all my strengh I escape this stalking creature, but it is only a matter of time before we reunite.