• Dreams of yesterday
    Visions of tomorrow
    Riches of today

    The past and future are a blur
    But the present is now
    Vivid and colorful
    A fortune to behold
    A gift from above
    The greatest present

    No one can change the past
    That time is over now
    Though memories stir
    Time does not rewind

    No one can predict the future
    To the clearest of certainty
    Though hunches
    And probability arise
    Nothing is set in stone
    Not a single event engraved

    But today,
    In this moment,
    Is the world’s most treasured gift,
    Thus it is the present –
    The present of life,
    Of love,
    Of time to spend
    With our friends,
    Loved ones
    Of finding ourselves –
    Our true selves
    Of suffering the pain,
    And hardships
    Thrown at us

    To reach the end of the day
    And find happiness
    And blissful joy
    Of all the wondrous imperfections
    Life offers us

    And the truth is
    Even the worst of times
    Have good in part
    Taking a step back,
    Loving today
    And yourself
    For all the imperfections
    Which make up the world,
    Which make up you

    And bask in the golden opportunity
    Bestowed on you each day
    The ability to live
    And choose the way
    Life is for you