• Look to the future and cling to your dreams.
    They may be much closer than they seem.

    Another morning in paradise.
    I woke up and rubbed my eyes, looking out the window.
    The sun was shining, and the birds were chirping.
    This was going to be a great day.

    I went downstairs and had a bite for breakfast,
    Then grabbed my wallet and headed out the door.
    On my way across the yard, I picked up my tackle box,
    Loaded up my fishing rod, and walked down the road.

    So early in the morning, not a car was about.
    Nobody to ruin the peace.
    A few minutes later I arrived at the docks,
    Sat down at the edge, and cast out my line.

    An hour passed, then another as well.
    Not a single bite I'd recieved.
    Still, I was happy, for as all men know,
    "A bad day fishing is better than a good day working."

    At that sudden moment, a tug on my pole;
    A strong-swimming fish on the hook.
    I reeled and reeled with all my might,
    Bringing in my prize.

    Such a beauty I had brought home that day.
    A yard in length, and a bounty in weight.
    I stowed it away for another time,
    Then left the house again.

    Walking through town, I saw many a friend
    That waved and smiled as they passed me.
    I returned their greetings with plenty of zeal,
    And took my time as I strolled.

    A quarter 'till noon I arrived at the theatre,
    Making my way to the entrance.
    She was waiting for me with a spring in her step,
    Grinning and blinking at me.

    I laughed as I came up and took her arm,
    Leading her in to catch a show.
    We took our seats in the front of the 'torium,
    And sat as the movie began.

    'Twas a movie about life in the country,
    Where things were things were simple and clean.
    And still I prefer the city,
    As any man can say about me.

    When it ended, we exited swiftly,
    And looked up to see the blue sky.
    We knew that our time was running short,
    So we made our way to a cafe'.

    Once there, we ordered our dinners,
    And ate to our heart's content.
    Too much my meal was for me,
    But she ate the whole of her own.

    Once out, the sky had become dark,
    And a full moon sat in the sky ahead.
    We made our way home, and once we arrived,
    She sat next to me on a loveseat.

    She was tired, as was I,
    So we both closed our eyes to sleep.
    With her in my arms, I felt happy,
    And knew how complete things were for me.

    I awakened at the crack of dawn the next day,
    And looked out to the window again.
    Yet not the same window from the day before,
    But an unwantedly familiar one at that.

    It was my real house, in my real town,
    With a real, dark sky out ahead.
    I sighed with a heavy heart,
    As I had been fooled again.

    There were no docks awaiting me,
    No friends along the streets.
    No cafe' and no theatre,
    No lover waiting for me.

    But the life I have is still sweet.
    A picture of my love sits on my desk.
    Friends I know at school await,
    And excitement is here aplenty.

    So I still get out of bed and grab my wallet,
    And head out the door every day.
    I do not grieve for what I don't have,
    But cherish what life gives me.

    It isn't impossible, anyways.
    I have a long time ahead of me...
    Things will change at one point or another,
    Just wait and see.

    So look to the future and cling to your dreams.
    They may be much closer than they seem.