Of the greatest of fears and boldest of tears.
Our deaths are our most dreaded and feared.
But why do we worry, why do we dread?
Will we be so sorry to be a part of the dead?
The souls of the many cry for the few.
But no tear can help to make the dead new.
So why do we mourn? Why do we muse?
Would it be better for us to refuse?
To center our minds on things never to be seen.
Or focus our thoughts on what forever will be.
But what of us, what will we see?
When we cross that horizon far across the sea?
Will we rejoice in what death brings?
Or join with the fallen and forget what we leave?
For what joys and sorrows await our coming doom?
What is to come of our fate nearing so soon?
Only through death shall we know of the truths.
So why dread our whole lives for what death will exhume?
Let's enjoy all the good for which we abuse,
and stop bickering over loss and little trite feuds.
Remember your love of life and those that love you,
and forget all the fights and embrace the known truth.
We all face death, but there's no need to be blue.
We all gain eternity, ageless and true....

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