Born with nothing more then the remembrance of black,
And harsh lights speckled in our eyes,
We are already given a purpose which we must follow,
And that simple decision is to die.
And we grow up, this fate never changing,
With laughs and giggles never worn,
Hold onto this manner while we still have it,
Because it never really hits us that it will be torn.
Death or the grim, whatever you call it,
Is always chasing us down on the clock,
We can try everything in our power to run away,
But it just sits in the shadows and mocks.
And though it may seem that this fate will never follow,
Be warned, cause these are false lies you share,
Ticks and tocks the times grow shorter,
This death bed you hold is laying there.
So don’t let the faces of the future scare you,
And don’t let a gravestone be where you sit,
Live like every day might be your last day,
The walkway to nowhere is not surely lit.
And live it like your young, the old can be fable,
Unable to move can be such a pain,
So run while you can, when you are still strong,
Because soon that youth will be drained.
Some are afraid of this uncertain question,
But surely death is a future equal too all,
So live long, fast and free while you still can,
All the way to your last curtain call.
All the Rules of Demise
I had to do this for a school assignment, and I really liked how it turned out. It's about going through the stages of life, and that death can not be avoided, so live life to the fullest.
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Wrote this 2/27/2009
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