• Mind swimming in the dirt mounds of memory
    cast out this inimitably morose ravaging
    yet, unnoticed repetition is seen for eternity
    unable to handle the starkly honest answering

    Clutching for twisted forms of elusive amnesty
    to the hollow shouts behind papers walls sustained
    rushed retribution only for pathetic moments of clarity
    lashing against all assistance and denying what remains

    That which exists of the self after delusional war
    lying and dead drifting aside corpses of finer men
    everything is nothing, what is there to strive for?
    aimlessly scouring for placation in sin

    Unfulfilled in even the securest of sanctuary
    never wandering far from assumed safety
    fearful of perpetual mental dysentery
    calm unattainable within confines of duality

    Ideological catharsis withheld from fruition
    mental dust piles only magnify the pressure
    suffering from clandestine repression
    hidden well, a disgusting treasure

    Shriveled soul mortified beyond reproach
    fields of waste clog translucent visions
    sadness is the assured approach
    there are no correct decisions.