• We stood so close
    to each other in the same world…
    yet such a defined wall separated us…
    Such a strong wall stopped us
    from seeing one another…
    even though we were
    already different to start with…
    As you are the ocean,
    combined to the surface
    and held such a beauty…
    one that brings a gentleness
    that is loved by all…
    while I am nothing more
    than the ever moving wind
    that is free from the world,
    but condemned by it at the same time…
    the wind that brings
    unnecessary harm and destruction
    to those I grow close to…
    I can only watch your grace
    while you gaze through me,
    my form nonexistent.

    I should have known the futility
    of trying to bring together
    the wind and the ocean…
    I still tried my best
    to destroy the wall between us,
    to see you once more
    and tell you that I had done wrong
    that we had done wrong.
    I desired so much to break down
    the wall that stopped my wind...
    that stopped me from allowing the wind
    to flow over your ocean
    and relax by your presence.
    I wanted to tell you how sorry I am…

    Day after day,
    I fruitlessly attacked the wall,
    hoping that my efforts
    would bring me results.
    But I grew troubled as I continued
    to see the wall stand strongly.
    I had not let the wall stop me
    as I exhausted myself,
    my tears splattered over the wall.
    It refused to budge…
    And I gave up…

    My wind died down
    as I faced the wall,
    my tear stained eyes shut closed.
    I was reduced
    to such warm tears as I punched the wall…
    but it cracked.
    I stood there in such shock
    as the wall fell
    to my act of desperation
    to my punch filled with such a strong desire…
    And I take
    my first look at you
    to see you just as I left you…
    I was in awe
    how your grace remained unfazed
    by the winds of time…
    But I was stopped
    at the realization
    that I could not reach you
    that you were now in a different world…
    You were now in a land
    untouched by my wind…
    And I fell at last,
    my eyes now staring at the wall
    that keeps us apart…
    I realized that it will never
    go back to how it was before…
    and the wind began to surround me,
    wiping away my fresh tears…