I was a pirate before I lost her...
A mercenary, a murderer, before I lost it all...
They never saw it...
never understood why...
why I was there...
in their eyes I was a god...
a hero...
a hero to them...
out to kill what they saw as evil...
a hero...
as if I ever was...
as if that was what they wanted...or what I gave...
How many times...
must you beat a guy down?
How many times...
before he gets it?
How many times...
before he understands that you're better than he is?
Evil never got the memo...
never understood the message...
I guess that's why they're called enemies...
So, how many times must you beat a dead horse...
before its stench overwhelmes you?
How many times must you repeat the same act...
before you screw up?
Blame it on ego...
on a tired game...
on him...
on hatred...
hatred born from slaughter...
slaughter born from friendship...
friendship born from recognition...
recognition of a kindred soul...
souls hating each other...
hating as you can hate only one thing...
the reflection in the mirror...
blame it on all of that...
or, blame it on something else...
call it destiny...
call it the breaks...
that thing you just don't dodge any more...
blame it on the gods...
yeah, blame them...blame God...
and ask how much is enough...
How many wars must you fight?
how much blood must you spill?
How many souls must die before he kills yours?
Disarm him...
You only need a moment...
You hate him so much...
don't you?
You wanted this...
wanted to wipe that asanine smile off his face...
that Death Mask!
"You must make them fear." That's what He said...
Well, I learned that lesson...
They fear...
They fear me...MORE than god...
Blame it on all of that...
Blame it on Him...
the years...
your god...
Blame it on everything else...
but yourself...
Because you'll never be able to live with yourself otherwise...
My name is Twilight, Kyragudo Shemhazai Iioteuneliohn...
Welcome to my nightmare...
I wanted to mix it up a lit...
this is part of
another s...
This is what i felt when SO...
This is a poem I wrote back...
The beauty of snow. I'm wr...
Lyrics/Song available for s...
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