• The insignificance she feels is overwhelming
    Into the darkness she is delving
    She believes her whole life is a tragic mess
    She wants to live less and less
    Terrified of her horrific past
    She needs a love she knows will last
    She has had so much torment treachery and pain
    Its like people think her life’s a game
    She is used to having people being tormenting
    Knowing that forlorn smile between breathing and lamenting
    Everyone is against her and they have her misunderstood
    If only someone could only understand her if only they could

    The knife of pain, the cuts on her skin
    Barely revealing the pain which lies within
    The blade sparkling in front of her, glistening away
    The thought's of what happened that dreaded May
    Even now she can hear her mothers screams
    No-one could tell her how much a mothers love means
    The thought of everything that she is missing
    A mothers hugging and a mothers kissing
    A mothers smile when everything goes right
    And a mothers frown, which gives such a fright
    And hidden to each who care
    For she who is nowhere is always there

    Her sparkle seems to have grown dim
    And her dream of being ever so thin
    Is enough to shatter her heart and dreams
    The hope to fit into size 8 designer skinny jeans
    She used to inherit her mothers good looks
    And her smarts from paper to book
    Now she spoils herself by over and under eating
    She looks in the mirror and her heart stops beating
    She used to have a really pretty face
    Now its over run by blood, bruises and disgrace.