• "Delicious" I say to him, teeth protruding from my mouth
    Ready to pierce his skin
    His entrancing fragrance fills my nose
    The cause of the scent will soon fill my stomache.
    My lustful desire to quench my thirst is apparent,
    His face is twisted in agony and fear
    Muscles twitching, begging for release
    I smirk
    It's almost effortless

    He sheds a tear from his anguished eyes
    It falls down his handsome face
    The body salt, so appealing draws me nearer.
    My tongue meets the drop of terror
    Seizing it, seizing his hope of escape
    He wishes to speak, to cry out in opposition,
    Only silence is heard

    My have lips not yet lifted from his surface
    They skim his cheek, his jaw, until they reach his neck
    Shivers of delight travel down my spine
    Shivers of despair travel down his.
    My teeth graze along a pulsing vein
    Plunging in at the height of his pulse
    Sinking in slowly, no need to rush this pleasure

    His eyes become more vacant with each engulfing sip
    His warmth pouring into the cold pit inside me
    I am ablaze with satisfaction
    My nature is masochistic, my intentions wicked.
    His decrease of vitality increases my delectation
    He pulses no more, for I've drained him of everything
    Breath, Hope, Life.
    But blood still remains, so I continue
    Until my macabre actions run him dry
    I release his defunct body, and gasp