• Vagueness of conscience is beyond the keeper’s heart.
    For each fallen shard represents a part.
    Paraphernalia from the beginning and the end.
    Your memoires are left beyond the keeper’s inn.
    Opals and pearls sparkle through the lights.
    Stringing multiple constants, disdaining plight.
    Sarcasm or courtesy such a simple choice.
    Come around the corner, Let’s find our voice.
    A muffling and distraughtness is not just a frog in your throat.
    Upon seeking brilliance, life lets us seek our final abode.
    Vagueness of the heart is found beyond the keeper’s inn.
    Fabricating the atonement shall have already began.
    Our mind is the trigger, the heart is the hold.
    Fighting off that girth leads to the untold.
    Will you walk with me beyond the keeper’s inn?
    Will you cut these strings and make amends?