• Torn between you and another
    You just don't understand
    What I'm going through
    This hurt and pain
    Wishing I could disappear
    Forever from this life
    Never going through this
    Misery again and again
    You always the cause of it
    Torn between you and another
    I know who I'll choose in the end
    He who doesn't judge me
    He who loves me the most
    The one I can trust no matter what
    And I'll tell you, your not the one
    I'll choose in the end
    The other person, him
    The one who I know will be there
    There in the very end
    He fixed me when you weren't around
    After you shattered everything
    He showed me the light
    He helped me up from the darkness
    To see once more
    The things I was missing
    I was blind before
    He opened my eyes
    To the things around me
    I can see the truth and the lies
    You never really cared
    Just never seeing the real me
    Always thinking I wasn't human
    But I am and that was your down fall
    You never realizing I was moving on
    To be with someone better
    I know he will take care of me
    And love me, hold me
    I'm not torn anymore
    I know who'll I'll choose in the end
    And its not you, but the other