• Your like a migraine in the morning
    And a back ache when you go to bed
    You’re the worst pain I’ve ever felt
    And it still doesn’t make me stronger

    Your like thunder when I’m mad
    And like rain when I’m sad
    You bring out the worst in me
    No matter where I go you follow

    Your like salt in my heart after I’ve been stabbed
    And like icy cold water being poured on burning flesh
    Pain so deep that it is never forgotten
    And whenever remembered, it hurts just as bad as if its happening all over again

    Your like being ditched in the middle of no where
    And like drowning with no one around in the middle of the Atlantic
    Such hopelessness and instability
    Such loneliness and depression of abandonment

    Its crazy the pain that can be cast on a human being just by emotion
    By other peoples obliviousness to others well being
    Especially after all that person did to fix them up
    After they had came to them all broken down and messed up

    Middle of winter left in the middle of nowhere
    The place were you left me for dead
    Where you dropped my heart and paid it no attention
    Now I’m still here picking up the pieces

    So many tear drops stained on my pillow
    So many 2 AM’s staring at my ceiling
    When I have to wake up and six
    And deal with the stress of everyday life

    I wish I’d never met you
    The ignorance of your being would be bliss at this point and time
    Pain so indescribable and unidentifiable
    All I know is that it hurts with a passion

    I thought pain was weakness leaving the body
    I thought I would just move on and get on with my life
    I thought I could make it without you
    But instead here I am grieving over your glory