• I wish to be a whisper,
    swimming softly on your tongue.
    I wish to be your maiden,
    skin sparkling in the sun.
    I'll strive to be a word,
    spoken softly just for fun.

    I long to see you turn,
    and look into my eyes.
    I long and I yearn,
    from sunset until sunrise.

    I am not a whisper,
    not as soft as a kiss.
    I'm no fair maiden,
    and I cannot promise bliss.

    I tell you though,
    I give you my word.
    I will be a whisper,
    spoken sweetly in a sonnet.

    I wish to be a whisper,
    so I can whisper in your ear,
    a sweet, simple "I love you."
    A small little whisper,
    for only you to hear.