• By: Casey Schultz

    The moon shines so brightly down upon the lake,
    It shines so brightly on the gentle water ripples that ever so gently brush my soft pale skin,
    The moon illuminates the water droplets, making them look like sparkles, as they ever so slowly run down my body,
    The moon lets a slight glow into your eyes as you stand holding me, whispering "I love yous" into my ear,
    The glow in your eyes seems to grow as you watch my smiles and slight movements,
    The sounds from the water are ever so calm as you move behind me,
    The moon making the water on yours gleam as you wrap them around me,
    The slight pressure on my shoulder from you resting your head becomes ever so soothing,
    My smile grows as you begin to sway us back and forth gently and slowly,
    You softly whisper into my ear sweet, sweet promises,
    The moons glow casts almost like a spot light down upon us,
    Your sweet whispers slowly fade as we just sway,
    I stand in your arms and listen to the soothing sound of the water as the moon shines upon us.