• Stand out in the crowd
    Make your voice heard out loud
    Be one-of-a-kind
    Not a follower whos oftenly blind
    Of the trouble and criticism right in front of their eyes
    The lies that are tossed are vibrantly dark
    Making you feel 'Should I 'narc' and say bye to these jerks?'

    Leave your crowd and follow your own beat
    Even if the crowd sees your defeat
    Do not give in into those kinds of people
    Let them walk and talk the way they want
    One day, their trouble will come once you...

    Just take a stand
    Hold up your hand
    Shout 'this is enough'
    'Your jokes are too rough'
    'This isn't a game'
    'Their bruised life isn't something without blame'
    'Feel ashamed for what you have done'
    'Because one day, your life's threads will become undone'
    'The kids you have picked seemed to have been ticked'
    'Sooner or later, everything will click'
    'Your life will become hell'
    'So don't wait for that final bell'
    'Change your life and change your ways'
    'You might find much happier and better days'

    Don't Fall Into Peer Pressure