• The wind in my face,
    Your roses in my hand,
    You in my arms,
    My friends around me,
    The dreams in my head,
    The warmth in you..
    What more can I ask for?
    I have you the graceful wind freely soaring the skies,
    I have the bright dark red roses blooming before me,
    I have You in my arms with your love and all,
    I have my friends that love me much like my mother did,
    I have the most beautiful and spirited dreams swirling inside me,
    I have the warmth of embrace and love.
    To me I have the most perfect life so far.

    I love the wind.
    I love the roses.
    I love you.
    I love my friends.
    I love my dreams.
    I love the warmth.
    I love...I have nothing to hate.