• A time of death will come for all
    The bringing of life and it’s fire to live
    The hope for a new day when the day is at an end

    The birth of a phoenix, the beginnings of life
    The knowledge resides within his heart
    That death will come on midnight wings
    With every death that comes into his soul,
    the fires of hell will burn all evil away

    Through the time of life his spirit will grow
    Hope of a love guiding his way to a keeper of his heart
    Through time and distance may keep them apart,
    The threads of destiny binds them as one

    In the darkness of the night, death took her from his firey gaze
    Sadness took his heart
    Vengeance took his soul
    His wings burned a fiery red and gold

    Through the nights he flew
    With the fire of vengeance in his eyes
    You could see his trail of flame and ash miles away
    The moon turned a blood red
    As the mourning and the guide to his spirit
    To find the one who destroyed his beloved

    A battle of blood and darkness
    Surrounded the world for days on end
    The battle raged on, destroying all life around

    One of vengeance and turmoil fought for his love
    One of evil and darkness fought for victory and blood

    In the battle’s end, only one stood
    Blood dripped down his beak
    A look of victory in his eyes
    And a hopeful look of reunited love

    As day became night, the land was covered
    With the blood of sorrow
    The snow gray as ash from death

    When the day comes,
    His ash shale kindle a new beginning on a spring day.