• My mind is being lost in this darkness…
    My spirit and soul cry out for guidance….
    So sanity and peace can save me through all my tribulations…
    It seems that I must walk alone in my recovery…
    Only God can help me now no one else knows how…
    I will die from all of this it’s too late for me…
    I know it…
    People worry about me for a few moments then get on with their life of tea and crumpets….
    I don’t want them to care or try to help me…
    They will just send me away from my home and sweet family…
    There all my sanity is lost for all my new peers are just as lost….
    We will play with knives and broken doll heads…
    In the dark we will dance and sing about things in our heads…
    Oh that does not sound too bad, all those new friends…