• you called me this
    you called me that

    i called you this
    i called you that

    your words hit me hard
    bruising all that was me

    my words were hollow
    they didnt even leave a scratch

    you cryed from laughfter
    i cryed from your laughter
    you enjoyed life
    i dispised life

    time passes......

    your living your life to the fullest enjoying life
    all the while i still cant forget your words
    the cuts on my face have gone
    the cuts in my mind have stayed bleeding more than ever
    you secretely knew exactly what you were doing
    you thrived on my pain
    you lived off of my misery
    i lived off the little joy that i found
    but it wasnt enough for me the pain still fed more than the joy gave

    think what you want of me if i finally scream at you
    i hate you!
    you fat b***h!
    i hate you

    of course then youll say
    what i did nothing i was nice
    your fake smile of kindness will be believed by all
    they dont know what you used to be like
    they dont know how sick you truly are

    ill say nothing
    and be quiet forever
    youll never know
    i wish you could suffer
    but what good will it do
    a b***h is a b***h
    no matter what you say
    that of all things wont change