• You see me as the one for you,
    The perfect one, the real one,
    Thinking of me everyday and night,
    You dream of me,
    You see me,
    You feel me,
    You want me so much, you lost sight of me,
    The open doors are now shut tight,
    The cracked glass has shattered,
    Reality is now an illusion,
    What will you do now?
    This world is now only a dream,
    Where will you go?
    Searching for me won't help,
    Dreaming of me,
    Feeling me,
    Seeing me,
    Nothing will help,
    Your the one who changed your world,
    I'm only a role of your story,
    Crying for me, wishing for me,
    I won't answer,
    For I'm no longer the person you knew.