• Many things I want this year
    Of material possessions
    But only one that can't be held
    A single love/obsession

    My dream today is to be free
    Not caring what they think
    The thought of soaring in the skies
    That has me tickled pink

    To dance and sing under the rain
    Like what the movies do
    But, that says "unoriginal"
    Gotta think of something new

    Like roller-skating with my friends
    Along the boulevard
    And that includes me dropping on
    The pavement really hard

    Travel the world; learn something new
    Know everyone's opinion
    Just don't send me to Africa
    To eat any live scorpion

    To capture every memory
    To speak what's in the heart
    To release my creativity
    Overflowing in my art

    Wake up every morning
    And nod a little more
    Fulfill the aspects of the mind
    Complete life's metaphor

    Go off into adventure
    Heck, I know I could get lost
    At night I'd camp under the stars
    I guess that is the cost

    Of living my life and doing what's right
    Every aim I wanna hit
    And to all the haters in the world
    You're all pieces of...nonsense.