• My angel of hope appears
    Her aura of light shines ever so bright
    An overwhelming happiness fills my mind
    Sounds of wolves lingers close by
    My pack has found their way to me
    I feel love's happiness
    Though I can not feel its warm embrace
    Everything around me starts to dim
    Figures start to fade
    Till nothing but myself is left
    Not even within my own mind can I feel happiness
    Nor can I hide from the darkness of despair
    A light shines through as if it is calling me
    Luring me away from the darkness
    But yet it keeps vanishing
    Can it be the light that I have sought and
    The voice of my angel that I yearn to hear
    Has been nothing but a monstrous siren
    Playing its game of trickery
    Just to see me wither in despair?
    How dare you play with ones emotion
    No name but monster is best suited for you
    For that is what you truly are
    My mind shrouded by rage
    A loud clash of thunder
    Awakens me from my nightmarish vision
    Once again lightning fills the sky
    The rain still falls
    Masking the pain and bitterness
    That clouds my heart and soul
    To Be Continued…