• One place will not do
    You cannot stay long in this place
    they try to confine you,
    but you were born to be free.
    Open skies are more your home
    than the binding Earth.
    You roam the land
    seeking for who knos what.
    You only know that
    the longer you stay,
    the more your soul dies.
    Forever doomed to flee from place to place,
    you lift yuor face to the silvery moon
    and desperately yearn to be free.
    She does not answer,
    just looks solemly back at you,
    you poor Earth-locked mortal.
    No one knows the torment you're in
    as they beg you to stay.
    Your heart breaks each time you leave,
    but you have locked your heart away in an iron box,
    only to be melted if you stay for a while,
    but how can you, you wild free thing?
    Interesting dilema.
    Stay, have a heart, and die?
    or be free and heartless for the rest of your mortal life?
    You ponder this
    as you once more flee this place of love,
    this place of chains.