• friends are people who stand by you when times are tuff and when you are feeling down.friends are also people who are always there for you know matter what . It dosn't matter who you are and what you look like friends can be any thing or any one. If someone says there your friend and then they betray you then there not your friend. A friend is supposed to be there for you till the end or until you go your seprate ways but even at that friends can be located anywhere on the planet or in the universe it really dosn't matter. A friend is supposed to be someone who you can share your secrets with without the worry of betrayal. If you share a secret with a supposed friend and then they betray you by telling someone else that secret the somewhat a friend. Friiends don't betray friends they stay by there sides through thick and thin even when a friend goes away they'll always stay in your heart and memory and if they betray you and leaves an empty space in your hearts the only way to fill that void is to make amans with them or find someone else to help fill that void or partialy fill it. Friends are also people no matter what lable other people put on them some people just decide what type of friends they are by just what they look like they dont even give them a chance to prove themselves worthy of being called a friend . Also people who juge other people by the way they look and not by there actionsthos are not friends. friends shouldnt care what you look like or what your personality is like friend should accept you for who you are not what you look like. those are true friends.also a true friend can be any one or any thing it can be a dog to a stuffed animal it can be any thing thats loyal and stays by your side .those sre true friends. friends dont betray friends even in the heat of a fight they stay by your side till the end . friends are suposed to be loyal they dont betray one for another and dont destroy a friendship over somthing stupid like a fighting over a wallet that was found.friends are supposed to stay side by side till the end.friends are suposed be ther when your sick and are supposed to confort you when your depressed or sad. theyre also suposed to be there in times of need like when you find out that youve been cheated on.those realy are the true friends.firend also should judge other friend because if you judge them toull never know if they could have been realy great friends.you shoule dalso never start rumars aboutl them because you could loos some friend that probably could of saved your a** in the near future