• Cold and hard, the ashes glare,
    Fires spew heat and lava,
    Screams of missiles fly above.
    The sounds of death are all around,
    Children crying, adults are begging,
    Fear is common.
    Darkness arises to the skies,
    Once pure white clouds of heaven,
    Become the price of hell on earth,
    Black to the bone,
    Does our leader not see?
    All the pain and suffering,
    It cannot go on! It must end soon,
    Or else there will be nothing.
    Nothing left.
    The seeds of hope are dying,
    As the sun is blocked by ash and death.
    Please help us now dear gods,
    We will last no longer.
    The screams of pain and agony slowly fade,
    As my time comes to an end.
    Let the war go away,
    Let it all end...