• It’s not like I needed a second look from him. The next morning as I woke up, I still could feel his hands slowly caressing my arms, the look in his eyes, the things he said to me. A smile so wide went across my face, He said my eyes were pretty, and I could see it in his eyes, he was telling the truth. I got up and walked to the mirror. My, he was right, the faded to a light green then to a dark yellow then to a purple. Wow. “Julie! Are you awake yet? Were eating breakfast” That’s right, today was Sunday, I didn’t have ballet… I didn’t have to see Michaels face, or that stupid grin. I slipped on a long skirt, a tank top and a jacket. That feels so much better, comfort clothes. Everyone was awake downstairs, since I didn’t have enough money to afford the apartments here in New York; I rented one of the Ballet dorms. I go to one of the best training schools. Penelope and Fakir were downstairs. “There’s sleeping beauty!” Penelope cried out, I swear, it was like I was her lost dog, she hated how she was in a higher ballet class then me, but I loved it…because I got to learn point first. I looked at Fakir, still the same old guy. He lives on the other side of the school, but he stops for breakfast here since he passes our dorm on his morning run. Penelope has fancied him for a long time; I don’t think I would ever like a guy that much. A bowl of lucky charms, my usual. Every morning, that’s all I eat. “Good morning, Penny, Fakir.” Penelope loved her nickname but Fakir only grunted. I finished early, I know today is suppose to be rest day, but I can’t help but practice. As I put in the CD of swans lakes music, I picture Michael. He is going to dance with me, his hands on my hips…I could only imagine what he thinks of when he touches other girls, but I was different. I had curves not bones. We practiced before and he could lift me, no doubt. That was one of Mrs. Dollanganger worries. I lost myself in the music; I had felt my soul go into my imagination. I was not in the studio anymore, but in a black room. A shadow as my prince. I could feel his hands on my hips as if they were real, dipping me. I felt safe, my eyes were closed the whole time, but as soon as the music stopped, I opened them to find my shadow prince gone. I could feel the disappointment in my soul; I was imagining he was Michael. Oh, I felt so safe in his arms, slowly catching me as I leaped, dipping me with such gesture. I bowed, and looked up to see… Fakir and… Michael! I gasped “Wow” Said Fakir, but I didn’t care, I only look at Michael. I felt hot, red. Not only with anger but with embarrassment. How dare they just walk in without my permission? Michael was looking at me, no not me, my body…what? What happened? My hands fluttered to my necklace to start twirling it. “What?” I asked, forgetting Fakir was there; there was a long stare between Michael and me. A smile curled on his lips “I never saw you dance like that, well…not in front of Mrs. Dollanganger, why do you hide such talent?” My cheeks flushed to red and my skin turned pale. I didn’t want anyone to know I danced this good, I liked my class and all the girls in the higher classes were much older and taller. “I like the level I am in.” I said, hoping my eyes weren’t pleading. But, to my surprise Michael put his bag down and grabbed my hands “Fakir, you may leave, I want to dance with the ballerina.” Confused, I said the only thing I could “What about the Music?” He blushed “Oh yes, I forgot.” He let go of my hands and turned on the music. Oh no! He turned it to the part where we do our solo! I couldn’t… I can’t! But, my dancer legs trained so well wouldn’t move, half of my brain was saying “Run Julie!” but another was saying “Let’s see what he thinks of you now!” He grabbed my waste as the music started. We started slow, him just twirling me around, trying to forget my raped pulse; I imagined the black room once more. But, no shadow, only Michael. The music turned faster and faster, him not letting me go, dipping, gliding, falling. Then before I knew it, the music ended. I was in his arms; he was looking in my eyes. “That was amazing, you felt as light as a feather, and you did the moves so perfect. It’s making me look bad.” Is he joking with his ego? No…no…no, this can’t be. I am dreaming aren’t I? “Stop looking at me like that,” He said “Come Barbie, let me give you a kiss.” My brain trembled; my pulse quickened once more, my face turning cherry red. I leaped out of his arms and walked to the other side of the room “Did you just call me Barbie?” “Yes, I did, let me show you how Ken kisses” My legs felt weak, he started to come towards me, wait… I can’t look desperate; he left me hanging, wanting more. Now it’s my turn. I let him get close to my face, he stroked my hair, then slowly leaning in, I stopped his mouth with my finger “Now, this is what you need to feel while were dancing.” His eyes shot wide open “What?” He said as I removed my finger, now it was my turn with the devilish grin, I felt it go to my face and I grabbed my stuff walking out, but to show him I was kidding I turned around right outside of the door and looked at him and said “Be my prince tomorrow night, I’ll be waiting in my castle.” And just like that, I walked out the door.