• I came to you in confidence
    To be laughed at
    And joked at
    And then hurt again
    I hope you get
    The point of all this
    I was crying
    And it made me
    Physically sick
    That night I slept
    Tired by all of my pain
    And even the next morning
    I had to refrain
    From trying to call you
    So now it is night
    And my friend
    I hope it pleases you
    To know that I am
    A broken,
    Empty shell
    My day wasn't pleasant
    In fact it was Hell
    Wondering why
    After all of this time
    You choose all of a sudden
    To hurt me one night
    But it's okay now
    You have been
    But I still do wonder
    Why you kept it hidden
    If you wanted to say it
    You shouldn't have tried
    To make me feel happy
    If really you lied
    So why hurt me now
    When I came with such glee
    And excitement that
    Filled me so merrily
    So yes I'll say it
    Again and again
    I couldn't stay angry
    So maybe you win
    But do not think once
    That I will forget
    That you hurt me once
    And could do so again
    So learn from mistakes
    Don't try to erase
    And that would be enough
    To put a smile, though perhaps weak,
    On my face