• Seaside Girl
    Spending my life in the city
    Didn't go anywhere different
    Gotta move on, gonna discover something new
    Few days by the seaside
    Now hoping that I can stay longer

    Running towards the crashing waves
    Lie down to feel the warm sand against my skin
    Feel the saltiness of the seawater
    Unpurposely went to my mouth

    Run along the endless coastline
    Trying to reach the faraway horizon
    Then kneel down to write my name on the sand
    And let the waves wash it afterward

    Where our dark skin doesn’t matter
    Because the burning sun is never too hot
    Neither do our sore ankles
    After running tirelessly chasing the waves

    What really matters is really having fun
    And let your problems get washed by the waves
    at least for the time being

    Riding the waves
    Building a high sandcastle
    Collecting millions of seashells
    Being washed by the waves

    We have to get going
    It’s getting dark
    And the waves are getting higher

    Full moon
    Go look up in the sky
    The tides are very high
    Come home now
    And promise to come back again