• You said you loved me but I just said that I dont belive you and walked away. The next morning as I watch the news I feel a cape of sadness over me. The news reporter is standing outside your house and I watch in despare as the reporter said that a 15 year old male was found hung to death in his house. I pickup the phone and call you. Theres no awnser so I go to your house. When I get there I hear the reporter says that the boy was ... you. I brake down crying. I cry for hours before your mom lets me read your suicide note. It says "I really do love you Elizabeth and if you dont belive me then I have no reason to live." I go home and slit my wrist , I have no reason to live after I hurt you so much , I love you and I always have I just didnt know how to tell you. Everythnig goes black ... When I wake up you are standing over me. I stand up and hug you tightly. I whisper in your ear "I belive you now and im sorry I hurt you so much. I have always loved you."