• in the dark
    the reflection of the screen
    lightening your complexion

    you sink in the seat
    your hand on the edge

    not watching the movie
    focused on you

    you notice my glance
    edge your hand to my seat

    no movement unnoticed
    our hands meet

    you start to pull away
    but i want you to stay

    more than friends know
    i realize how your thumb traces the curves of my fingers
    i match your every movement
    more intent know

    you curl up in your seat
    leaning closer to me
    our eyes meet
    the ocean is all i can see

    the ocean surrounding your eyes
    you will be my demise

    because if i dont have you
    even if you knew

    the feeling i have
    cannot be met
    by the label of friends

    you will be my demise
    because if the silk were my hand lies
    moves ever again
    i will never win

    the reward to life
    is not by the knife

    but by the feeling
    of you loving me back

    and when we get up
    and walk out the door
    he will turn around
    and our hands will meet no more

    though you know the connection
    that we will feel everyday
    i will still long for that interaction
    that we had on sunday