• I look out my bedroom window
    i see children playing happily in the street.
    I see cars driving by
    people getting home from whatever errands they ran to do.

    As i look out my window i wonder
    How do these people not know that
    i'm in pain?
    That i'm suffering here in this dark room?

    Do they not care?
    They just go about their daily lives
    without a care in the world for
    what's happening.

    How dare they!
    How dare they ignore my pain!
    How dare they not care!
    HOW DARE THEY go about they're lives as if nothing happened!

    The clock is ticking.
    The house is so quiet.
    That's when i realize,
    they don't know.

    They don't want to know.
    When i'm gone they'll think nothing of it
    The world will go on and i realize,
    i'm not so important after all.