• thanku for sending me that chain letter

    i dont know what but when i read it...
    i felt... good?
    before i felt like my life was horribal.
    and i knew that it was as a matter of fact...
    i had absolutly no friends,
    i never ate,
    and my work sucked
    and this letter made me feel well... happy

    while i read it my insides felt like they were warming up.
    my heart was starting to feel like it was actually beating,
    my lungs didnt hurt when i took a single breath,
    i felt light headed like there was somthing next to me...
    something warm, something nice

    now when ever i take a step that "warm" sensation bubbles up inside me.
    when i take a breath it feels like im soaking in the sweetest smelling flower.
    and when i spoke,
    well lets just say that i felt like i was flying

    and then one day somthing happend.
    someone walked up to me.

    ... it was a boy

    he looked like an angel.
    with perfect eyes like the ocean blue
    he told me that he was in my class all year.
    and that i looked like i never like anything,
    or anyone.
    he said that when ever he saw me like that
    he said that he wanted to cry.
    he said that i was nothing

    and then when he saw me all nice and happy,and warm
    he noticed me
    he made a huge smile
    he walked up to me
    and he said that i was full of life.

    and then all of a sudden...
    we went out

    and i never noticed ever before...

    that when he walked up to me.
    and i was cold.
    and when he wraped his arm around me.
    he felt warm,
    and i felt warm
    me heart sped up
    and when i took in a breath.
    it was HIM that smelled like the sweetest smelling flower.
    and when he breathed on me and i breathed in his breath.
    it smelled like mint and honey
    and my heart almost always stopped when he leaned in and kissed me

    he told me that i was special
    he told me that he never wanted to let go of me

    so he didnt...and i didnt

    and now. now were happy, together.

    so what i was and am saying is.

    thanku for that chain letter you sent me
    if it werent for you i would still be at home
    on my bed
    staring at the wall
    doing nothing
    saying nothing and feeling nothing

    so thanku.
    for making my life...
    actually a life worth living
