• You could say I'm spoiled
    Just go ahead and say it
    Yeah so I'm good at some stuff
    It doesn't mean a thing

    A girl with 3 million dollars
    Can be miserable
    And a girl with 5 dollars
    Can be the happiest girl in the world

    I don't know what's wrong with this Earth
    And I've been thinking maybe
    Someday we will be freed
    From the mass majority

    Of spoiled brats
    And popular prats
    And the "elite"
    You've got to learn to walk with your own two feet

    Fight the fight
    Win the win
    Don't give up
    Don't give in

    For you my friend
    Need to know that till the end
    I will be with you stay with you
    I will never bend

    Cause I know
    What it's like
    To feel like you're the only one

    ANd i think
    Yes I think
    That we're not the only ones

    Can we win
    There's still a chance out there
    The world can still change
    Though change is not always progress
    And progress is what we need

    If we all pitch in
    ANd work together
    We can fight
    And win

    We can get rid of pollution
    and obesity
    We can promote world peace
    No racism, please!
    Get down on your knees...
    And help.

    Come on.... I'll even say please.
    heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart