• Where are you when i needed you. I feel like dieing when I am without you all I ever asked is one thing from you is to see you in my very own eyes when i see you just make my heart feels warmer and wanting to be closer to you. Ever time I look at you just make my heart melt like the light of heaven from above. When I never meet you my heat used to be cold as ice that never been open to other that can't see the real person who I am and keeping thing to my self like in a dark cold room where no one can't even make thing brighter or lighter and everything is darken just won't let it go until that day I meet you just surprisingly make thing all better and more lighter with being you right beside me knowing that I fallen for you like nothing before just making me want to be with you forever in my life and wanted more and more until the darkness has left me for good and never to come back.The reason why I am a better and happier with my life is because I have you