• The world seems to hide things from me
    even though I find them out eventually.

    When I do, I want to fly,
    Fly away to the moon
    to see what else it's hiding from me.

    Some things are beautiful, some things are not.
    Some things are filled with joy, and others with pain,
    but no matter the toll, it's how I feel in the end.

    My last days will fly over to me,
    though the seem like my first days of life.
    I think I can do anything
    that my hearts desires may be.

    Though the end seems far away,
    I feel it coming closer everyday.
    It could be the end of many things,
    but mainly the end of a chapter in my life.

    I learned the lessons that I could,
    and I taught others so they wouldn't
    make my same mistakes.

    I hope other people live
    long and happy lives.
    Not the life filled with mistakes
    that my life has become.